TIME Anti-Inflammation
UNDERSTANDING INFLAMMATION • The bodyâs immune response can protect and heal us, but it can also wreak havoc over time. Balance comes with an active, healthy lifestyle.
1 THE FIRES WITHIN • Most of the time, inflammation helps the body fend off various bacteria and parasites. But when inflammation goes awry, it can lead to a host of chronic diseases.
LINKS TO THE MOST SERIOUS DISEASES • A gastroenterologist at Columbia University Medical Center explains how untamed inflammation could be the culprit behind conditions such as heart disease and cancer.
THE GUM DISEASE RISK • Why inflammation in your mouth may raise your risk of cancer.
THE STATE OF THE AGING BRAIN • People are living longer than ever, and over the years, inflammation can be connected to cognitive decline.
Inflammation, Depression, and Physical Symptoms • Does our anti-inflammatory response play a role in the mind-body connection?
COVID-19: A LASTING IMPACT • Years after the height of the epidemic, researchers are discovering how infection can potentially change the heart, even long after the virus is gone.
2 EASE WHAT AILS YOU • Adopting a curated approach can help treat specific inflammatory conditions.
DECODING RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS • This autoimmune disease attacks the joints and can trigger inflammation throughout the body. With early diagnosis and treatment, you can stay active and avoid other health problems.
NEW HOPES FOR SEVERE ASTHMA • Asthma attacks can disrupt daily life and be deadly. Cutting-edge advancements offer a brighter road ahead.
THE DIABETES LINK • Inflammation makes people with diabetes more vulnerable to heart disease.
AGING SYSTEMS • During the aging process, treating IBD becomes more challenging. The latest treatments offer an active quality of life.
HOW YOUR DIET CAN HELP • From Mediterranean-inspired eating patterns to exclusion plans, food can help reduce IBD symptoms.
HOW TO SLEEP BETTER • An inflamed digestive system and insomnia can be common bedfellows. Certain therapies can help people sleep better and provide relief.
NEW FRONTIERS FOR INFUSION THERAPIES • Intravenous infusion therapies have long been expensive and inconvenient. Experts examine the latest developments and the urgent need for new remedies.
3 FEEL BETTER EVERY DAY • Simple lifestyle changes can stave off chronic inflammation, helping to foster a healthier and happier life.
HOW STRESS MAKES US SICK • Prolonged psychological stress can lead to an inflammatory response that harms the body and the mind. Hereâs how to manage the response.
Having Lots of Feelings Is Good for Your Health • A brighter outlook has long been linked to a healthier body, but research is finding that all emotions can help calm inflammation.
FOODS TO TAME INFLAMMATION • These healthy foods are loaded with antioxidants that can protect the body from inflammation.
Foods to Avoid • Certain ultra-processed foods can make inflammation worse.
THE CANNABIS REMEDY • Emerging research suggests that medical marijuana can help treat some inflammatory disorders.
WHY ACUPUNCTURE IS GOING MAINSTREAM • The traditional Chinese technique has been used for millennia to treat chronic pain and other health problems associated with inflammation.
HOW FASTING CAN REPAIR THE GUT • Intermittent fasting may benefit those with a digestive disorder. But does the upside outweigh the risks?
LIFT YOUR WAY FIT • Resistance training, such as lifting weights, is a potent exercise that can reduce bone loss and help tame inflammation.
The Mind-Body Connection • According to research, yoga and meditation can change the genes that promote...