Time Jesus
WHO WAS JESUS? • The mysterious figure of Christ has compelled ancient writers and modern scholars to probe beyond the Gospels for more about his life and ministry.
DIGGING FOR CLUES • Like almost all humans, Jesus may have made no mark on the archaeological record. But that doesnât mean researchers arenât looking.
THE LIFE OF JESUS • The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John remain the primary sources for his biography.
BEYOND THE FIRST NOEL • Two millennia after Jesusâs birth, scholars are still unraveling the mysteries of the Christmas story.
CHRISTMAS AROUND THE WORLD • The birth of Jesus is celebrated internationally with a wide variety of idiosyncratic festivals and traditions.
THE MIRACLE WORKER • The New Testament chronicles more than 30 instances when Jesus healed the sick and defied the laws of physics and nature.
THE TWO MARYS • Christians revere both the mother of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, one of his most devoted and enigmatic followers.
WHO WROTE THE GOSPELS? • Much of the text was not merely copied down but also shaped by anonymous scribes, many of them enslaved.
HIS MISSION ON EARTH • Even scholars who believe Jesus was Godâs son in human form disagree about a key question: What in the world was he doing here?
THE LAST SUPPER • Leonardo da Vinciâs Renaissance masterpiece serves as a guide to Jesusâs 12 disciplesâincluding the one who would betray him.
WHY DID JESUS DIE? • He suffered on the cross for the salvation of a sinful humanity. But what does that even mean?
HOW THE FAITH EVOLVED • Jesusâs life and teachings inspired a wide range of denominations and sects. Aside from the Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox churches, Christianity spun off into the Mormons and Jehovahâs Witnesses, among myriad smaller groups,
TIME Jesus
IN HIS IMAGE • Cultures around the world see Jesus as one of their own.