Sadé Magazine is an independent quarterly publication. For confident readers aged 7+ With inspiring and sophisticated editorial, it's perfect for confident readers who love to take on new challenges. Sadé Magazine is a resource for like-minded readers. Sadé, our head of editorial content, puts together the content, sharing her knowledge and teachings for other young readers to inspire by. We see learning as part of everyday activities. Each issue brings topics about history, arts, science and general knowledge. We encourage readers to be self-motivated learners. We specially designed our magazine to inspire and empower young readers. With every issue: Educational facts Introducing different debates and conversations Full of original content and beautiful creativity Fun for the entire family A keeper or even passed down to inspire others.
Greetings Dreamers!
the good stuff
Important Dates
The Future With Gen AI • Generative AI is a subset of deep learning that can create a variety of different elements, such as images, text, and other forms of media, and these are produced by generative models.
Annie Jean Easley • COMPUTER SCIENTIST AND PROGRAMMER (1933-2011 )
Writer's Spotlight: Maria Motúnráyá»Ì Adébísí • Maria MotĂșnrĂĄyĂČ AdĂ©bĂsĂ is a University of Oxford graduate. As part of her degree, she focused on post-colonial literature from Nigeria and West Africa, and on graduating, she wanted to write a novel that would speak to children straddling British and African identities and make them proud of both.
Kòkú Àkànbí and the Heart of Midnight • An extract from Maria MotĂșnrĂĄyĂČ AdĂ©bĂsĂ debut book
LET'S TALK⊠• Michelle Quach is a graphic designer and writer living in Los Angeles. She's Chinese Vietnamese American and a graduate of Harvard University, where she studied history and literature. She loves rom-coms, characters who do not always do the right thing. The Boy You Always Wanted is her second novel.
Quick Fire Round
History Journal Jerry Lawson
Gaming Time line
Around the World â Guatemala
Career CornerâŠ
Book Reviews
Digital Gaming
Sadé Magazine