No wonder Reader's Digest is the world's most widely read magazine. Hard-hitting, thought-provoking and entertaining, with unforgettable stories in each issue, RD is packed with features short enough to read in one sitting, but stimulating enough to keep you thinking for days. Every month millions of people get inspired, informed and entertained by its wide variety of stories about people, health, humour, adventures and world events, written by the best local and international journalists. All the stories are fact checked to the smallest details to ensure that readers get the most accurate and truthful stories, making Reader’s Digest the world’s most trusted magazine.
LETTERS • Reader’s Comments And Opinions
Reader’s Digest Asia (English Edition)
Into The Great Unknown • A cycling trip quickly turns to dust
SMART ANIMALS • Make every attempt to look after themselves
DO CATS GRIEVE AFTER LOSS? • Cats may be a lot more sensitive than you think
Preventing The Pain Of Shingles • The risk of developing shingles increases with age
Can You Get VITAMIN D Through A Window?
An Exceptional Husband • For him and his bride, ‘in sickness and in health’ meant something really special
LIFE’S LIKE THAT • Seeing The Funny Side
What Women And Men Want To Say • What would the sexes like to tell each other? Reader’s Digest has asked men and women from around the world
PANDEMI-PHOBIA • The COVID-19 pandemic has left a lot of scars, including an increase in anxiety and phobias. We explore how the two might be linked – and give some tips to help if you have developed a pandemi-phobia
WELCOME TO MY SENTENCE • Some people constantly interrupt others. Here’s what science has to say about this irritating habit
I See FACES • Why do some people see faces in random patterns? Helen Foster set out to learn more about pareidolia
Squaring Off With Rubik’s Cube
ENLIGHTENED • It brightens teeth, carries away worries, puts singers in the limelight – there’s much to be admired about artificial light
LAUGHTER • The Best Medicine
WHAT IS NECRO-BRANDING? • And what’s it got to do with Elvis, Princess Diana and Taylor Swift?
ALL IN A DAY’S WORK • Humour On The Job
Yes, Adults Can Develop Food Allergies • Here are four types you need to know about
Dressed To Impress • Do you prefer casual or formal wear? Choose your style, then turn the page to answer 11 questions about the fashions of yesteryear and today
THE 14,000-Foot MIRACLE • The skydiver fully expected to die when her parachute failed to open. Instead, she’s writing the next chapter of her life
PUZZLES • Challenge yourself by solving these puzzles and mind stretchers, then check your answers on page 108.
PUZZLE ANSWERS • From Page 104
TRIVIA • Test Your General Knowledge
WORD POWER Step Back In Time • Many of the tales and figures of Greek mythology live on in the origins and meanings of everyday words. Consult your inner oracle as you embark on this odyssey of a quiz, then turn the page for the answers