The Armourer covers battles and campaigns including features on collecting medals, weapons, uniforms and equipment.
The Armourer
militarianews • Duncan Evans reports on what’s happening in the world of military history and collecting
Family Tree Plus launches online
Militaria for sale • Lenny Warren trawls the internet to find bargains, rare, interesting or bizarre items of militaria
In the sale rooms • The weapons, uniforms, medals and militaria coming up for auction
Sutton Hoo • Duncan Evans discovers the world of Anglo-Saxon royalty as he heads for the site of one of the greatest archaeological discoveries in Britain
Under the hammer • Duncan Evans reports on the latest militaria sold at auctions around the country
The Opium Wars, 1839-1860 • Mark Simner examines two of the most controversial British military campaigns of the Victorian era
CRIME IN WWII Britain’s black market • Graham Caldwell investigates rationing and shortages on the Home Front which led to a thriving illegal economy
The liberation of Guam • John C Pursley discusses the 1944 battle to liberate Guam and the artifacts remaining on the island
WWI webbing: Great Britain • Edward Hallett kicks off a major, eight part series on the accoutrements of the armies of World War I by looking at a British substitute set
The weapons of the Home Guard • After the Fall of France, the need for a secondary home defence army became apparent. Robbie McGuire looks at how they were armed
The Hunza Campaign, 1891 • Peter Duckers looks at a scarce clasp for the India General Service Medal
Defending the coast • Graham Priest reveals how the Suffolk coastline was to be defended from German invasion in WWII
A tricycle to fight tanks • Michael Heidler takes a look at the German Panzerhetzer project
Collecting the Opium Wars • Edward Hallett looks at the collectibles that can be found for one of Victorian Britain’s more controversial campaigns
Italy’s forgotten Sten gun • Michaeil Heidler investigates the TZ-45, an Italian SMG made in small numbers in the final years of WWII
The First Anglo-Burmese War • Gabriele Esposito describes the military events of a little known colonial conflict that saw Britain fighting in Burma in 1824-1826
The Photo Inspector • Ray Westlake looks at the uniform and insignia of a Private of the Royal Irish Fusiliers
Christmas gift ideas • Duncan Evans has your tongue-in-cheek guide to gift ideas for the militaria lover in your family or simply for yourself if you don’t like the idea of socks again
yourletters • Let us know what you think of your favourite militaria magazine or ask other readers a question
Auction & Fair Diary
Book competition