The Armourer covers battles and campaigns including features on collecting medals, weapons, uniforms and equipment.
The Armourer
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militarianews • Duncan Evans reports on what’s happening in the world of military history and collecting
SS not welcome at Capel show
RAF Museum saves Scarf VC for the nation
In the sale rooms • The weapons, uniforms, medals and militaria coming up for auction
Under the hammer • Duncan Evans reports on the latest militaria sold at auctions around the country
The Korean War • Mark Simner examines the first hot conflict of the Cold War that took place in 1950-1953
Webbing of WWI: The Ottoman Empire • In the concluding part of this series, Edward Hallett looks east to the Ottoman Empire
Propaganda posters of the Third Reich • John C Pursley examines examples of the successful campaign that helped motivate and control the German population
British Army Rifle Volunteer badges • Ray Westlake begins a new series looking at badges, starting with Aberdeenshire to Buckinghamshire battalions
The Maida Gold medal • Peter Duckers investigates a medal for a victory in the Napoleonic War
The Australian Women’s Army Service • Graham Caldwell describes how the Australian Army allowed women to serve in order to free up manpower in WWII
A breech-loading wheellock pistol • Neil Melville checks out a technically innovative and ingenious 16th century pistol
The Luftwaffe Ground Assault Badge • Duncan Evans takes a look at the Luftwaffe award for ground combat
Collecting the Korean War • Edward Hallett explores some collecting ideas associated with the conflict between North and South on the Korean peninsular
What became of the Royal George? • Mark Barton looks at the sinking of HMS Royal George in 1782 and the various artefacts created from her salvage
WWI Tank Corps tapestry • Richard Fuller describes two unusual WWI collectables that reference the first appearance of tanks on the battlefield
The Photo Inspector • Ray Westlake looks at the uniform and insignia of a Private of the 7th Battalion Manchester Regiment
reviewsroundup • Duncan Evans reviews the latest releases in the world of military history and collecting
yourletters • Let us know what you think of your favourite militaria magazine or ask other readers a question
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